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Harvard - Oxford Cortical Structural Atlas (RRID:SCR_001476)
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URL: http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/Atlases

Proper Citation: Harvard - Oxford Cortical Structural Atlas (RRID:SCR_001476)

Description: Probabilistic atlases covering 48 cortical and 21 subcortical structural areas, derived from structural data and segmentations kindly provided by the Harvard Center for Morphometric Analysis. T1-weighted images of 21 healthy male and 16 healthy female subjects (ages 18-50) were individually segmented by the CMA using semi-automated tools developed in-house. The T1-weighted images were affine-registered to MNI152 space using FLIRT (FSL), and the transforms then applied to the individual labels. Finally, these were combined across subjects to form population probability maps for each label. Segmentations used to create these atlases were provided by: David Kennedy and Christian Haselgrove, Centre for Morphometric Analysis, Harvard; Bruce Fischl, the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH; Janis Breeze and Jean Frazier from the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatric Research Program, Cambridge Health Alliance; Larry Seidman and Jill Goldstein from the Department of Psychiatry of Harvard Medical School.

Abbreviations: Atlases

Synonyms: , Harvard Oxford Cortical Structural Atlas, Harvard-Oxford cortical and subcortical structural atlases, Harvard Oxford Atlas

Resource Type: reference atlas, data or information resource, atlas

Keywords: male, female, t1-weighted image, cortical, subcortical, neuroanatomy, cortex

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