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RRID:SCR_001386 RRID Copied      
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ODIN (RRID:SCR_001386)
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URL: http://datacite.labs.orcid-eu.org

Proper Citation: ODIN (RRID:SCR_001386)

Description: Service (Beta) that allows users to search the DataCite Metadata Store, and add their research outputs including datasets, software, and others to their ORCID profile. This should increase the visibility of these research data, and will make it easier to use these data citations in applications that connect to the ORCID Registry. In addition, the service is also providing formatted citations in several popular citation styles, supports COinS, links to related resources, and displays the attached Creative Commons license where this information is available. The DataCite Metadata Store of course also contains many text documents from academic publishers and services such as figshare or PeerJ Preprints, and these works can also be claimed. This tool is a collaborative effort by ORCID, CrossRef and DataCite.

Abbreviations: ODIN

Synonyms: ORCID and DataCite Interoperability Network

Resource Type: source code, software resource, service resource

Keywords: data citation, scholarly communication, interoperability, access, discovery, sustainability, digital object identifier

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