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RRID:SCR_000307 RRID Copied      
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MatrixScience (RRID:SCR_000307)
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URL: http://www.matrixscience.com/

Proper Citation: MatrixScience (RRID:SCR_000307)

Description: A collection of both commercial and noncommercial software products which includes: Mascot Distiller, Mascot Parser, and Mascot Server. Mascot Distiller is commercial and provides a single interface to process raw data into de-isotoped peak lists. This tool can also be used for the easy distribution of search and quantitative results to colleagues. The non-commercial Mascot Parser software provides an API (Application Programmer Interface) that makes it easier to access search results written in C++, Java, Python and Perl. Mascot Server is non-commercial, and is a collection of peptide mass fingerprints as well as a MS/MS database. A selection of popular sequence databases are available online and include SwissProt, NCBInr, and the EST divisions of EMBL. This server is best used for evaluating and searching for smaller data sets.

Abbreviations: Matrix Science

Resource Type: software resource

Keywords: c++, python, perl, mascot, peptide mass fingerprints, ms/ms, swissprot, ncbinr, embl,

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