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Antibody Name

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RRID:AB_357344 RRID Copied  
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(R and D Systems Cat# MAB002, RRID:AB_357344)
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Antibody Information

URL: http://antibodyregistry.org/AB_357344

Proper Citation: (R and D Systems Cat# MAB002, RRID:AB_357344)

Target Antigen: Mouse IgG1 Isotype Control (Clone 11711)

Host Organism: mouse

Clonality: unknown

Comments: vendor recommendations: Other; Control

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Ratings and Alerts

No rating or validation information has been found for Mouse IgG1 Isotype Control (Clone 11711).

Possibly Non-Specific
Extracted Antibody Information: "Human Na V1.7 stably transfected HEK293 cells, human Na V1.7 stably transfected, inducible CHO-K1 cells, human Na V1.7 BacMam transduced U-2 OS and parental cells were treated with non-enzymatic dissociation buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, #C5914) to remove cells from the flask prior to FACS assays. In 96-well V-bottom plates (Costar, #3897), 50,000 cells/well were incubated with 33nM rSVmab1 or isotype control (R&D Systems, #MAB002; RRID: AB_357344;"

Extracted Specificity Statement: "At the concentrations tested, recombinant monoclonal antibody SVmab1, generated from published sequence information 8, did not bind to the following target sources: Na V1.7 peptide VELFLADVEG, Na V1.7 DII voltage sensor protein, and Na V1.7 expressing mammalian cells (HEK293, CHO-K1, U-2 OS). Recombinant SVmab1 also did not specifically block Na V1.7 currents in HEK293 cells, as assessed by whole cell manual patch clamp electrophysiology when channels were closed/resting, inactivated, or cycled through states to expose the voltage sensor paddle region using a train of depolarizing stimuli. Reductions in Na V1.7 current were comparable when using an isotype control IgG1 or recombinant SVmab1 at 500nM."

Data was mined by Antibody Watch (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.01937.pdf), from PMID:27990272


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