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RRID:MMRRC_000011-UCD RRID Copied  
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URL: https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/sds.php?mmrrc_id=11

Proper Citation: RRID:MMRRC_000011-UCD

Description: Mus musculus with name STOCK Mecp2tm1.1Jae/Mmucd from MMRRC.

Species: Mus musculus

Notes: Research areas: ; Mutation Type: Targeted Mutation ; Collection:

Phenotype: tremors [MP:0000745]| decreased brain size [MP:0000774]| abnormal olfactory bulb morphology [MP:0000819]| obese [MP:0001261]| decreased body weight [MP:0001262]| decreased anxiety-related response [MP:0001364]| ataxia [MP:0001393]| hypoactivity [MP:0001402]| impaired coordination [MP:0001405]| abnormal gait [MP:0001406]| abnormal pilomotor reflex [MP:0001492]| abnormal respiration [MP:0001943]| abnormal breathing pattern [MP:0001951]| apnea [MP:0001957]| premature death [MP:0002083]| decreased brain weight [MP:0002175]| abnormal motor learning [MP:0002804]| abnormal neuron morphology [MP:0002882]| increased susceptibility to age related obesity [MP:0003212]| abnormal behavior [MP:0004924]| abnormal brain wave pattern [MP:0004994]| cachexia [MP:0005150]| lethargy [MP:0005202]| abnormal action potential [MP:0005402]| tachypnea [MP:0005426]| abnormal body temperature [MP:0005535]| abnormal hippocampus CA2 region morphology [MP:0008265]| increased liver triglyceride level [MP:0009355]| increased brain cholesterol level [MP:0010162]

Affected Gene: Mecp2

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Data and Source Information

Source: Integrated Animals

Source Database: Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Center (MMRRC)