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Proper Citation: RRID:MGI:2667559
Description: Allele Detail: Targeted This is a legacy resource.
Species: Mus musculus
Notes: Allele Detail: Targeted This is a legacy resource.
Phenotype: abnormal neurocranium morphology, abnormal gait, short limbs, abnormal midface morphology, abnormal maxilla morphology, short nasal bone, cleft secondary palate, microcephaly, microphthalmia, short mandible, neonatal lethality, incomplete penetrance, abnormal hindlimb morphology, small neurocranium, short snout, increased tongue size, short ulna, postnatal growth retardation, cachexia, cyanosis, short fibula
Affected Gene: Ryk
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Source: Integrated Animals
Source Database: MGI, Mouse Genome Informatics MGI