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RRID:AB_2565884 RRID Copied  
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(BioLegend Cat# 103151, RRID:AB_2565884)
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* Resource mentions from this and last year may still be in process.

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About this Report

The report results are from Research Resource Identifier (RRID) - based text mining of the literature of PubMed Central (PMC) Open Access Subset (OA Subset).

For tools, we also include additional results from searching for resource name and URL in the PMC OA Subset. See Ozyurt, et. al., PMID:26730820

Checkfor all resource mentions.

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*Please note that when co-mention number is small, resources listed here do not mean that they are frequently used together. We are also aware that commercial organizations are in the list and we are currently working on improving this service by removing these organizations.

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{{ ctrl2.mentions.errors.location }}
All Mentions RRID Usage Resource Mentions ({{ ctrl2.mentions.all_count }} mentions) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count }} RRID mentions out of {{ ctrl2.mentions.all_count }} total mentions) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count }} RRID mention out of {{ ctrl2.mentions.all_count }} total mentions) [Download Mentions]
{{ filter.display_name }}: {{ filter.value }}
Page of {{ctrl2.mentions.page_links.length}} ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.all_count}}) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.all_count }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.all_count}}) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count}}) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count}})

We have not found any mentions. If you know there is one, please input PubMed ID (PMID) and click "Add mentions".

  •      {{ mention._source.dc.creators[0].familyName }} {{ mention._source.dc.creators[0].initials }}, et al. ({{ mention._source.dc.publicationYear }}) {{ mention._source.dc.title }} {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].name }} , {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].volume }} ({{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].issue }}) , {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].pagination }}. (PMID:{{ mention._id.replace('PMID:', '') }})

    -- ...[more] [less]

    • {{ match.creator.name }} - {{ match.matches.city }}, {{ match.matches.region }}, {{ match.matches.country }}

Can't find the mentions that you are looking for? Use Publication Year to filter firstly to retrieve the literature of your interest.

Page of {{ctrl2.mentions.page_links.length}} ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.all_count}}) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.all_count }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.all_count}}) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count}}) ({{ ctrl2.mentions.page * 100 - 100 + 1}} ~ {{ ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count }} of {{ctrl2.mentions.rrid_count}})