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About Us

We are a group of software engineers and biologists passionate about improving scientific manuscripts on a large scale. Our goal is to process every manuscript in the biomedical sciences as it is being submitted for publication, and provide customized feedback to improve that manuscript. Our members have created tools that check for common problems in scientific manuscripts, including information needed to improve transparency and reproducibility. Our tools were designed separately, but we are currently building pathways that allow the tools to work together and provide a single, integrated report. Want to learn more? Visit the “People" page to see our members, the “COVID preprints” page to learn about how we’re using our tools to screen COVID preprints posted on bioRxiv or medRxiv, or click “Screening tools” above to learn more about our tools. See our reviews on the Sciety website: https://sciety.org/groups/screenit/lists

Automated screening of COVID-19 preprints: can we help authors to improve transparency and reproducibility?

Nat Med . 2021 Jan;27(1):6-7. doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-01203-7. Tracey Weissgerber 1 2, Nico Riedel 3, Halil Kilicoglu 4, Cyril Labbé 5, Peter Eckmann 6 7, Gerben Ter Riet 8 9, Jennifer Byrne 10 11, Guillaume Cabanac 12, Amanda Capes-Davis 13, Bertrand Favier 14, Shyam Saladi 15, Peter Grabitz 3 16, Alexandra Bannach-Brown 3, Robert Schulz 3 16, Sarah McCann 3 16, Rene Bernard 17, Anita Bandrowski 6 7

Is the future of peer review automated?

BMC Res Notes . 2022 Jun 11;15(1):203. doi: 10.1186/s13104-022-06080-6. Robert Schulz 1, Adrian Barnett 2, René Bernard 3, Nicholas J L Brown 4, Jennifer A Byrne 5, Peter Eckmann 6, Ma?gorzata A Gazda 7, Halil Kilicoglu 8, Eric M Prager 9, Maia Salholz-Hillel 1, Gerben Ter Riet 10, Timothy Vines 11, Colby J Vorland 12, Han Zhuang 13, Anita Bandrowski 6, Tracey L Weissgerber 14

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