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RRID:SCR_006934 RRID Copied      
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Scalable Brain Atlas (RRID:SCR_006934)
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URL: http://scalablebrainatlas.incf.org/

Proper Citation: Scalable Brain Atlas (RRID:SCR_006934)

Description: A web-based, interactive brain atlas viewer, containing a growing number of atlas templates for various species, including mouse, macaque and human. Standard features include fast brain region lookup, point and click to select a region and view its full 3D extent, mark a stereotaxic coordinate and view all regions in a hierarchy. Built-in extensions are the CoCoMac plugin, which provides a spatial display of Macaque connectivity, and a service to transform stereotaxic coordinates to and from the INCF Waxholm space for the mouse. Three dimensional renderings of brain regions are available through a Matlab interface (local installation of Matlab required). The SBA is designed to be customizable. External users can create plugins, hosted on their own servers, to interactively attach images or data to spatial atlas locations. This fully web-based display engine for brain atlases and topologies allows client websites to show brain region related data in a 3D interactive context. Currently available atlases are: * Macaque: The Paxinos Rhesus Monkey atlas (2000) * Macaque: Various templates available through Caret, registered to F99 space: Felleman and Van Essen (1991), Lewis and Van Essen (2000), Regional Map from K��tter and Wanke (2005), Paxinos Rhesus Monkey (2000) * Macaque: The NeuroMaps Macaque atlas (2008) * Mouse: The INCF Waxholm Space for the mouse (2011). Previous versions available. * Mouse: The Allen Mouse Brain volumetric atlas (ABA07) * Human: The LPBA40 parcellation, registered to SRI24 space A variety of services are being developed around the templates contained in the Scalable Brain Atlas. For example, you can include thumbnails of brain regions in your own webpage. Other applications include: * Analyze atlas templates in Matlab * List all regions belonging to the given template * List of supported atlas templates * Find region by coordinate * Color-coded PNG (bitmap) or SVG (vector) image of a brain atlas slice * Region thumbnail in 2D (slice) or 3D (stack of slices) The Scalable Brain Atlas is created by Rembrandt Bakker and Gleb Bezgin, under supervision of Rolf K��tter in the NeuroPhysiology and -Informatics group of the Donders Institute, Radboud UMC Nijmegen.

Abbreviations: SBA

Synonyms: INCF Scalable Brain Atlas

Resource Type: reference atlas, atlas, software resource, service resource, software application, data or information resource

Keywords: atlas application, atlas data, image display, javascript, magnetic resonance, os independent, php, three dimensional display, tractography, visualization

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