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RRID:SCR_006837 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://dally.nimh.nih.gov/index.html

Proper Citation: NIMH CORTEX (RRID:SCR_006837)

Description: A program developed by the NIMH Laboratory of Neuropsychology for data acquisition and experimental control of neurophysiological experiments. The purpose of this website is to make it easier to access new versions of NIMH CORTEX and its supporting documents. Ultimately, it is also hoped that these pages will make it easier for users to report bugs, request enhancements, and obtain help. Download the latest version and unzip it into a new sub-directory. Then read the on-line documentation. For the new user, the User''s Manuals are invaluable in specifying system requirements and giving an overview of the features and necessary hardware. The Function reference goes into more detail about how to write experiments using NIMH CORTEX. The Demos reference is a good place for new and experienced users to start to get an idea of what NIMH CORTEX can do these days.

Abbreviations: NIMH CORTEX

Synonyms: Laboratory of Systems Neuroscience, Software and Hardware for Neurophysiology: The home of NIMH Cortex, NIMH Laboratory of Systems Neuroscience

Resource Type: data acquisition software, software resource, data processing software, software toolkit, topical portal, software application, portal, data or information resource

Keywords: neurophysiology, neuropsychology, behavioral control

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