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Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (RRID:SCR_007077)
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URL: http://www.uzh.ch/keyinst/loreta

Proper Citation: Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (RRID:SCR_007077)

Description: Software package for functional imaging of human brain. Used to compute three dimensional distribution of electric neuronal activity from non-invasive measurements of scalp electric potential differences with high time resolution in millisecond range. Non-invasive intracranial time series are used for studying functional dynamic connectivity.. Current software version includes two new, improved variants of the original method: standardized (sLORETA) and exact (eLORETA). The new methods are characterized by exact localization when tested with point sources. Due to the fact that these methods are multivariate tomographies that are solutions to the inverse EEG problem, and that they are linear in nature, they will produce a low spatial resolution image for any distribution of activity. This property is not shared by naive one-at-a-time single dipole techniques.

Abbreviations: LORETA

Synonyms: LORETA: low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography, Low Resolution Electromag TomogrAphy

Resource Type: software resource, software toolkit

Defining Citation: PMID:7876038, PMID:12575492

Keywords: eeg, meg, electrocorticography, eeg modeling, forward - inverse, modeling, functional, statistical, visualization, dynamic functional connectivity, microstate segmentation, electroencephalogram, nonparametric randomization

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