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RRID:SCR_007276 RRID Copied      
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SenseLab (RRID:SCR_007276)
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URL: http://senselab.med.yale.edu

Proper Citation: SenseLab (RRID:SCR_007276)

Description: The SenseLab Project is a long-term effort to build integrated, multidisciplinary models of neurons and neural systems. It was founded in 1993 as part of the original Human Brain Project, which began the development of neuroinformatics tools in support of neuroscience research. It is now part of the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) and the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF). The SenseLab project involves novel informatics approaches to constructing databases and database tools for collecting and analyzing neuroscience information, using the olfactory system as a model, with extension to other brain systems. SenseLab contains seven related databases that support experimental and theoretical research on the membrane properties: CellPropDB, NeuronDB, ModelDB, ORDB, OdorDB, OdorMapDB, BrainPharmA pilot Web portal that successfully integrates multidisciplinary neurocience data.

Abbreviations: SenseLab

Synonyms: SenseLab Project, The SenseLab Project

Resource Type: database, portal, organization portal, data or information resource

Keywords: neuron, model, olfactory system, brain, disease, neuronal, olfactory

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