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RRID:SCR_007366 RRID Copied      
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FilamentTracer (RRID:SCR_007366)
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URL: http://www.bitplane.com/go/products/filamenttracer

Proper Citation: FilamentTracer (RRID:SCR_007366)

Description: A software application that automatically detects neurons (dendritic trees, axons and spines), microtubules, and other filament-like structures in 2D, 3D and 4D. Imaris FilamentTracer uses strategies that involve an optimal combination of automated analysis and operator decision. The choice of the best method is an essential element in optimizing efficiency. FilamentTracer allows the choice between four complementary tracing strategies ranging from manual to automatic and utilizes a creation wizard to easily guide the user through the creations steps. It has been specifically designed to deal with the complex problem of spine analysis over time.

Resource Type: software resource, image analysis software, data processing software, data visualization software, software application

Keywords: image analysis, data visualization, tracing, 3d, 2D, 4D

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