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RRID:SCR_006307 RRID Copied      
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Synapse (RRID:SCR_006307)
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URL: https://www.synapse.org/

Proper Citation: Synapse (RRID:SCR_006307)

Description: A cloud-based collaborative platform which co-locates data, code, and computing resources for analyzing genome-scale data and seamlessly integrates these services allowing scientists to share and analyze data together. Synapse consists of a web portal integrated with the R/Bioconductor statistical package and will be integrated with additional tools. The web portal is organized around the concept of a Project which is an environment where you can interact, share data, and analysis methods with a specific group of users or broadly across open collaborations. Projects provide an organizational structure to interact with data, code and analyses, and to track data provenance. A project can be created by anyone with a Synapse account and can be shared among all Synapse users or restricted to a specific team. Public data projects include the Synapse Commons Repository (SCR) (syn150935) and the metaGenomics project (syn275039). The SCR provides access to raw data and phenotypic information for publicly available genomic data sets, such as GEO and TCGA. The metaGenomics project provides standardized preprocessed data and precomputed analysis of the public SCR data.

Abbreviations: Synapse

Resource Type: storage service resource, database, service resource, data or information resource, data repository

Keywords: data sharing, collaboration, data management, analysis, genome, phenotype, crowd sourcing, open data, provenance, resource management, annotation, authoring, markup, r, python, java, command-line, cloud, FASEB list

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