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AltAnalyze - Alternative Splicing Analysis Tool (RRID:SCR_002951)
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URL: http://www.altanalyze.org/

Proper Citation: AltAnalyze - Alternative Splicing Analysis Tool (RRID:SCR_002951)

Description: Software application for microarry, RNA-Seq and metabolomics analysis. For splicing sensitive platforms (RNA-Seq or Affymetrix Exon, Gene and Junction arrays), it will assess alternative exon (known and novel) expression along protein isoforms, domain composition and microRNA targeting. In addition to splicing-sensitive platforms, it provides comprehensive methods for the analysis of other data (RMA summarization, batch-effect removal, QC, statistics, annotation, clustering, network creation, lineage characterization, alternative exon visualization, gene-set enrichement and more). AltAnalyze can be run through an intuitive graphical user interface or command-line and requires no advanced knowledge of bioinformatics programs or scripting. Alternative regulated exons can be subsequently visualized in the context of proteins, domains and microRNA binding sites with the Cytoscape Plugin DomainGraph.

Abbreviations: AltAnalyze

Synonyms: Alternative Splicing Analysis Tool

Resource Type: software application, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:20513647

Keywords: analysis, alternative splicing, microarray, calculate, pathway, ontology, domain, microrna, targeting, splicing, microarry, rna-seq, metabolomics, mac osx, windows, ubuntu, cross platform, bio.tools

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University of California at San Francisco; California; USA

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