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Microbiota of the Pregnant Mouse: Characterization of the Bacterial Communities in the Oral Cavity, Lung, Intestine, and Vagina through Culture and DNA Sequencing.

  • Jonathan M Greenberg‎ et al.
  • Microbiology spectrum‎
  • 2022‎

Mice are frequently used as animal models for mechanistic studies of infection and obstetrical disease, yet characterization of the murine microbiota during pregnancy is lacking. The objective of this study was to characterize the microbiotas of distinct body sites of the pregnant mouse-vagina, oral cavity, intestine, and lung-that harbor microorganisms that could potentially invade the murine amniotic cavity, thus leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes. The microbiotas of these body sites were characterized through anoxic, hypoxic, and oxic culture as well as through 16S rRNA gene sequencing. With the exception of the vagina, the cultured microbiotas of each body site varied by atmosphere, with the greatest diversity in the cultured microbiota appearing under anoxic conditions. Only cultures of the vagina were comprehensively representative of the microbiota observed through direct DNA sequencing of body site samples, primarily due to the predominance of two Rodentibacter strains. Identified as Rodentibacter pneumotropicus and Rodentibacter heylii, these isolates exhibited predominance patterns similar to those of Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus iners in the human vagina. Whole-genome sequencing of these Rodentibacter strains revealed shared genomic features, including the ability to degrade glycogen, an abundant polysaccharide in the vagina. In summary, we report body site-specific microbiotas in the pregnant mouse with potential ecological parallels to those of humans. Importantly, our findings indicate that the vaginal microbiotas of pregnant mice can be readily cultured, suggesting that mock vaginal microbiotas can be tractably generated and maintained for experimental manipulation in future mechanistic studies of host vaginal-microbiome interactions. IMPORTANCE Mice are widely utilized as animal models of obstetrical complications; however, the characterization of the murine microbiota during pregnancy has been neglected. Microorganisms from the vagina, oral cavity, intestine, and lung have been found in the intra-amniotic space, where their presence threatens the progression of gestation. Here, we characterized the microbiotas of pregnant mice and established the appropriateness of culture in capturing the microbiota at each site. The high relative abundance of Rodentibacter observed in the vagina is similar to that of Lactobacillus in humans, suggesting potential ecological parallels. Importantly, we report that the vaginal microbiota of the pregnant mouse can be readily cultured under hypoxic conditions, demonstrating that mock microbial communities can be utilized to test the potential ecological parallels between microbiotas in human and murine pregnancy and to evaluate the relevance of the structure of these microbiotas for adverse pregnancy outcomes, especially intra-amniotic infection and preterm birth.

Does the endometrial cavity have a molecular microbial signature?

  • Andrew D Winters‎ et al.
  • Scientific reports‎
  • 2019‎

Recent molecular studies concluded that the endometrium has a resident microbiota dominated by Lactobacillus spp. and is therefore similar to that of the vagina. These findings were largely derived from endometrial samples obtained through a transcervical catheter and thus prone to contamination. Herein, we investigated the molecular microbial profiles of mid-endometrial samples obtained through hysterectomy and compared them with those of the cervix, vagina, rectum, oral cavity, and controls for background DNA contamination. Microbial profiles were examined through 16S rRNA gene qPCR and sequencing. Universal bacterial qPCR of total 16S rDNA revealed a bacterial load exceeding that of background DNA controls in the endometrium of 60% (15/25) of the study subjects. Bacterial profiles of the endometrium differed from those of the oral cavity, rectum, vagina, and background DNA controls, but not of the cervix. The bacterial profiles of the endometrium and cervix were dominated by Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Cloacibacterium, and Comamonadaceae. Both 16S rRNA gene sequencing and Lactobacillus species-specific (L. iners & L crispatus) qPCR showed that Lactobacillus was rare in the endometrium. In conclusion, if there is a microbiota in the middle endometrium, it is not dominated by Lactobacillus as was previously concluded, yet further investigation using culture and microscopy is necessary.

Evolution of Gene Expression in the Uterine Cervix related to Steroid Signaling: Conserved features in the regulation of cervical ripening.

  • Günter P Wagner‎ et al.
  • Scientific reports‎
  • 2017‎

The uterine cervix is the boundary structure between the uterus and the vagina and is key for the maintenance of pregnancy and timing of parturition. Here we report on a comparative transcriptomic study of the cervix of four placental mammals, mouse, guinea pig, rabbit and armadillo, and one marsupial, opossum. Our aim is to investigate the evolution of cervical gene expression as related to putative mechanisms for functional progesterone withdrawal. Our findings are: 1) The patterns of gene expression in eutherian (placental) mammals are consistent with the notion that an increase in the E/P4 signaling ratio is critical for cervical ripening. How the increased E/P4 ratio is achieved, however, is variable between species. 2) None of the genes related to steroid signaling, that are modulated in eutherian species, change expression during opossum gestation. 3) A tendency for decreased expression of progesterone receptor co-activators (NCOA1, -2 and -3, and CREBBP) towards term is a shared derived feature of eutherians. This suggests that parturition is associated with broad scale histone de-acetylation. Western-blotting on mouse cervix confirmed large scale histone de-acetylation in labor. This finding may have important implications for the control of premature cervical ripening and prevention of preterm birth in humans.

The composition and stability of the vaginal microbiota of normal pregnant women is different from that of non-pregnant women.

  • Roberto Romero‎ et al.
  • Microbiome‎
  • 2014‎

This study was undertaken to characterize the vaginal microbiota throughout normal human pregnancy using sequence-based techniques. We compared the vaginal microbial composition of non-pregnant patients with a group of pregnant women who delivered at term.

The Vaginal Microbiota of Pregnant Women Varies with Gestational Age, Maternal Age, and Parity.

  • Roberto Romero‎ et al.
  • Microbiology spectrum‎
  • 2023‎

The composition of the vaginal microbiota is heavily influenced by pregnancy and may factor into pregnancy complications, including spontaneous preterm birth. However, results among studies have been inconsistent due, in part, to variation in sample sizes and ethnicity. Thus, an association between the vaginal microbiota and preterm labor continues to be debated. Yet, before assessing associations between the composition of the vaginal microbiota and preterm labor, a robust and in-depth characterization of the vaginal microbiota throughout pregnancy in the specific study population under investigation is required. Here, we report a large longitudinal study (n = 474 women, 1,862 vaginal samples) of a predominantly African-American cohort-a population that experiences a relatively high rate of pregnancy complications-evaluating associations between individual identity, gestational age, and other maternal characteristics with the composition of the vaginal microbiota throughout gestation resulting in term delivery. The principal factors influencing the composition of the vaginal microbiota in pregnancy are individual identity and gestational age at sampling. Other factors are maternal age, parity, obesity, and self-reported Cannabis use. The general pattern across gestation is for the vaginal microbiota to remain or transition to a state of Lactobacillus dominance. This pattern can be modified by maternal parity and obesity. Regardless, network analyses reveal dynamic associations among specific bacterial taxa within the vaginal ecosystem, which shift throughout the course of pregnancy. This study provides a robust foundational understanding of the vaginal microbiota in pregnancy and sets the stage for further investigation of this microbiota in obstetrical disease. IMPORTANCE There is debate regarding links between the vaginal microbiota and pregnancy complications, especially spontaneous preterm birth. Inconsistencies in results among studies are likely due to differences in sample sizes and cohort ethnicity. Ethnicity is a complicating factor because, although all bacterial taxa commonly inhabiting the vagina are present among all ethnicities, the frequencies of these taxa vary among ethnicities. Therefore, an in-depth characterization of the vaginal microbiota throughout pregnancy in the specific study population under investigation is required prior to evaluating associations between the vaginal microbiota and obstetrical disease. This initial investigation is a large longitudinal study of the vaginal microbiota throughout gestation resulting in a term delivery in a predominantly African-American cohort, a population that experiences disproportionally negative maternal-fetal health outcomes. It establishes the magnitude of associations between maternal characteristics, such as age, parity, body mass index, and self-reported Cannabis use, on the vaginal microbiota in pregnancy.

No Consistent Evidence for Microbiota in Murine Placental and Fetal Tissues.

  • Kevin R Theis‎ et al.
  • mSphere‎
  • 2020‎

The existence of a placental microbiota and in utero colonization of the fetus have been the subjects of recent debate. The objective of this study was to determine whether the placental and fetal tissues of mice harbor bacterial communities. Bacterial profiles of the placenta and fetal brain, lung, liver, and intestine samples were characterized through culture, quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These profiles were compared to those of the maternal mouth, lung, liver, uterus, cervix, vagina, and intestine, as well as to background technical controls. Positive bacterial cultures from placental and fetal tissue samples were rare; of the 165 total bacterial cultures of placental tissue samples from the 11 mice included in this study, only nine yielded at least a single colony, and five of those nine positive cultures came from a single mouse. Cultures of fetal intestinal tissue samples yielded just a single bacterial isolate, Staphylococcus hominis, a common skin bacterium. Bacterial loads of placental and fetal brain, lung, liver, and intestinal tissues were not higher than those of DNA contamination controls and did not yield substantive 16S rRNA gene sequencing libraries. From all placental or fetal tissue samples (n = 51), there was only a single bacterial isolate that came from a fetal brain sample having a bacterial load higher than that of contamination controls and that was identified in sequence-based surveys of at least one of its corresponding maternal samples. Therefore, using multiple modes of microbiological inquiry, there was not consistent evidence of bacterial communities in the placental and fetal tissues of mice.IMPORTANCE The prevailing paradigm in obstetrics has been the sterile womb hypothesis, which posits that fetuses are first colonized by microorganisms during the delivery process. However, some are now suggesting that fetuses are consistently colonized in utero by microorganisms from microbial communities that inhabit the placenta and intra-amniotic environment. Given the established causal role of microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (i.e., intra-amniotic infection) in pregnancy complications, especially preterm birth, if the in utero colonization hypothesis were true, there are several aspects of current understanding that will need to be reconsidered; these aspects include the magnitude of intra-amniotic microbial load required to cause disease and its potential influence on the ontogeny of the immune system. However, acceptance of the in utero colonization hypothesis is premature. Herein, we do not find consistent evidence for placental and fetal microbiota in mice using culture, qPCR, and DNA sequencing.

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