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Gene Ontology

Computable knowledge regarding functions of genes and gene products. GO resources include biomedical ontologies that cover molecular domains of all life forms as well as extensive compilations of gene product annotations to these ontologies that provide largely species-neutral, comprehensive statements about what gene products do. Used to standardize representation of gene and gene product attributes across species and databases.


  • Resource Type: Resource, organization portal, consortium, portal, project portal, knowledge environment resource, data or information resource
  • Keywords: gene, product, annotation, molecular, function, cellular, biological, role, database, query, obo, gold standard, bio.tools
  • Resource ID: SCR_002811
  • Proper Citation: (Gene Ontology, RRID:SCR_002811)
  • Parent Organization:
  • Related Condition:
  • Funding Agency: European Union, NHGRI
  • Relation: related to: GenNav, SynaptomeDB, High-Throughput GoMiner, Onto-Design, OnEx - Ontology Evolution Explorer, Avadis, GONUTS, PiNGO, Automated Microarray Pipeline, categoryCompare, globaltest, Semantic Measures Library, WegoLoc, AnimalTFDB, MEME Suite - Motif-based sequence analysis tools, Arabidopsis Hormone Database, DAVID, Arabidopsis thaliana Protein Interactome Database, TM4 Microarray Software Suite - TIGR MultiExperiment Viewer, pSTIING, GoMiner, FunSimMat, GeneSpeed- A Database of Unigene Domain Organization , Centre for Modeling Human Disease Gene Trap Resource, Patterns of Gene Expression in Drosophila Embryogenesis, Babelomics, BioPerl, GeneCruiser, GOLEM An interactive, graphical gene-ontology visualization, navigation, and analysis tool, GOToolBox Functional Investigation of Gene Datasets, Cotton EST Database, MouseNET, PLANTTFDB, T-profiler, Physico-Chemical Process, Integrated Molecular Interaction Database, SEGS, GOCat, Quantitative Enrichment of Sequence Tags, Neural-Immune Gene Ontology, INMEX, StRAnGER, QuickGO, Repository of molecular brain neoplasia data, Cardiovascular Gene Ontology Annotation Initiative, PANTHER, Short Time-series Expression Miner (STEM), DATFAP, GORetriever, Gene Ontology Browsing Utility (GOBU), GeneTools, GOSlimViewer, go-moose, Network Ontology Analysis, Onto-Compare, Onto-Express, OntoVisT, STRAP, CGAP GO Browser, COBrA, Gene Class Expression, GeneInfoViz, GOfetcher, GoFish, GOProfiler, GOanna, Manatee, Pandora - Protein ANnotation Diagram ORiented Analysis, TAIR Keyword Browser, Wandora, GOTaxExplorer, Onto-Miner, Onto-Translate, ToppGene Suite , DBD - Slim Gene Ontology, ONTO-PERL, Blip: Biomedical Logic Programming, OWL API, CLENCH, BiNGO: A Biological Networks Gene Ontology tool, CateGOrizer, FuSSiMeG: Functional Semantic Similarity Measure between Gene-Products, ProteInOn, GeneMerge, GraphWeb, ClueGO, CLASSIFI - Cluster Assignment for Biological Inference, GOHyperGAll, FuncAssociate: The Gene Set Functionator, GOdist, FuncExpression, FunCluster, FIVA - Functional Information Viewer and Analyzer, GARBAN, GOEx - Gene Ontology Explorer, SGD Gene Ontology Slim Mapper, GOArray, SNPsandGO, GoSurfer, GOtcha, MAPPFinder, GoAnnotator, MetaGeneProfiler, OntoGate, ProfCom - Profiling of complex functionality, SerbGO, SOURCE, Ontologizer, THEA - Tools for High-throughput Experiments Analysis, Generic GO Term Mapper, GREAT: Genomic Regions Enrichment of Annotations Tool, GoBean - a Java application for Gene Ontology enrichment analysis, TXTGate, GO-Module, IT-GOM: Integrated Tool for IC-based GO Semantic Similarity Measures, G-SESAME - Gene Semantic Similarity Analysis and Measurement Tools, MalaCards, FSST - Functional Similarity Search Tool, Expression Profiler, GOChase, GoPubMed, Whatizit, REViGO, WEGO - Web Gene Ontology Annotation Plot, Blast2GO, InterProScan, PubSearch, TrED, CharProtDB: Characterized Protein Database, VirHostNet: Virus-Host Network, Pathbase, GO Online SQL Environment (GOOSE), Neurobehavior Ontology, InterSpecies Analysing Application using Containers, KOBAS, ConceptWiki, GeneTerm Linker, Bioconductor, ErmineJ, Gene Ontology For Functional Analysis (GOFFA), MGI GO Browser, Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, GOEAST - Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit, Ontology Lookup Service, LexGrid, WebGestalt: WEB-based GEne SeT AnaLysis Toolkit, G:Profiler, OwlSim, GOrilla: Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis and Visualization Tool, YeTFaSCo, FastSemSim, RamiGO, AutismKB, GeneCodis, FunSpec, FunNet - Transcriptional Networks Analysis, PhenoM - Phenomics of yeast Mutants, agriGO, GOblet, DynGO, SeqExpress, ProbeExplorer, ECgene: Gene Modeling with Alternative Splicing, Organelle DB, Gemma, Candidate Genes to Inherited Diseases, Proteome Analyst PA-GOSUB, Network Analysis, Visualization and Graphing TORonto, GOstat, Onto-Express To Go (OE2GO), Tk-GO, EGAN: Exploratory Gene Association Networks, Spotfire, GOMO - Gene Ontology for Motifs, GFINDer: Genome Function INtegrated Discoverer, Generic GO Term Finder, Agile Protein Interactomes DataServer, AgingDB, UBERON, Algal Functional Annotation Tool, gsGator, Flash Gviewer, Cerebellar Development Transcriptome Database, PlantNATsDB - Plant Natural Antisense Transcripts DataBase, EASE: the Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer, PiGenome, L2L Microarray Analysis Tool, MeGO, CELDA Ontology, Diabetes Disease Portal, MatrixDB, Kidney and Urinary Pathway Knowledge Base, MouseCyc, Candida Genome Database, Honey Bee Brain EST Project, ECO, FlyMine, Gramene, 3D-Interologs, Biomine, UniProtKB, NCBI BioSystems Database, EBIMed, Coremine Medical, EMAGE Gene Expression Database, GeneMANIA, Yeast Search for Transcriptional Regulators And Consensus Tracking, GeneTrail, Magic, Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI), FlyBase, InterPro, InnateDB, canSAR, HPRD - Human Protein Reference Database, CRCView, Integrated Manually Extracted Annotation, LegumeIP, Renal Disease Portal, PhenoGO, DOAF, OBO, biomaRt, used by: NIF Data Federation, GreenPhylDB, LIPID MAPS Proteome Database, Aging Portal, Monarch Initiative, ChannelPedia, Open PHACTS, CoPub, PhenoGO, Database for Annotation Visualization and Integrated Discovery, MitoMiner, dcGO, Pathway Analysis Tool for Integration and Knowledge Acquisition, barleyGO, SynGO, Functional Annotation, SwissLipids, listed by: BioPortal, OBO, OMICtools, bio.tools, Debian, affiliated with: Mouse Genome Informatics: The Gene Ontology Project, works_with: topGO, DIANA-mirPath, GOnet
  • Reference: PMID:23161678, PMID:10802651
  • Website Status: Last checked up
  • Alternate IDs: nif-0000-02915, OMICS_02278, biotools:go
  • Alternate URLs: http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/GO, https://bio.tools/go
  • Old URLs:
  • v_uuid: c49f544e-6cae-51b0-b263-75183aa4921f
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