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RRID:SCR_018887 RRID Copied      
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URL: https://beikolab.cs.dal.ca/software/STAMP

Proper Citation: STAMP (RRID:SCR_018887)

Description: Open source software package for analyzing taxonomic or metabolic profiles that promotes best practices in choosing appropriate statistical techniques and reporting results. Graphical software package that provides statistical hypothesis tests and exploratory plots for analyzing taxonomic and functional profiles. Supports tests for comparing pairs of samples or samples organized into two or more treatment groups.

Synonyms: STAMP v2.1.3, statistical analysis of taxonomic and functional profiles

Resource Type: software toolkit, software resource, data analysis software, data processing software, data visualization software, software application

Defining Citation: PMID:25061070

Keywords: Statistical analysis, taxonomic profile, functional profile, metabolic profile, statistical hypothesis test, plot, sample, sample group, sample pair comparison, bio.tools

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