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New York University School of Medicine Langone Health Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017928)
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URL: https://med.nyu.edu/research/scientific-cores-shared-resources/experimental-pathology-research-laboratory

Proper Citation: New York University School of Medicine Langone Health Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017928)

Description: Core provides services, access to instruments, and training to facilitate production of animal tissue samples for morphological and molecular analyses. Supports multiplex immunofluorescence staining, RNA in situ hybridization (ISH), and imaging analysis. Services include tissue preparation, processing, and sectioning, as well as histochemistry and immunohistochemistry of fresh, frozen, and fixed animal tissues, can optimize and validate commercial or proprietary antibodies for chromogenic or fluorescence-based immunohistochemistry including seven-color multiplexing.Provides access to database listing antibodies that have been tested in lab to date and are currently in stock.Offers basic imaging resources and digital whole-slide scanning of stained tissue sections, which allows researchers to view their slides online at their convenience.Researchers can also rent our self-service instruments. These include embedding station, microtome, cryostat, and vibratome. Provides access to brightfield and fluorescence upright and dissecting microscopes,laser capture microdissection scope, and high-throughput multispectral imaging system.To reserve time on instrument, faculty, staff, and investigators must be registered in iLab.

Synonyms: NYU Langon Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory, New York University School of Medicine Langone Health Experimental Pathology Research Laboratory

Resource Type: access service resource, core facility, service resource

Keywords: Experimental, pathology, animal, tissue, production, instrument, morphological, molecular, analysis, immunofluorescence, staining, RNA, in situ, hybridization, imaging, analysis, sectioning, tissue, histochemistry, immunochemistry, antibody, listing, imaging, service, core, ABRF, USEDit

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