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RRID:SCR_010749 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://www.imgt.org/IMGT_vquest/share/textes/

Proper Citation: IMGT/V-QUEST (RRID:SCR_010749)

Description: Data analysis service for the standardized analysis of the immunoglobulin (IG) and T cell receptor (TR) rearranged nucleotide sequences. It identifies the variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) genes and alleles by alignment with the germline IG and TR gene and allele sequences of the IMGT reference directory. New functionalities were added through a complete rewrite in Java. IMGT/V-QUEST analyses batches of sequences (up to 50) in a single run. IMGT/V-QUEST describes the V-REGION mutations and identifies the hot spot positions in the closest germline V gene. IMGT/V-QUEST can detect insertions and deletions in the submitted sequences by reference to the IMGT unique numbering. IMGT/V-QUEST integrates IMGT/JunctionAnalysis for a detailed analysis of the V-J and V-D-J junctions, and IMGT/Automat for a full V-J- and V-D-J-REGION annotation. IMGT/V-QUEST displays, in ''Detailed view'', the results and alignments for each submitted sequence individually and, in ''Synthesis view'', the alignments of the sequences that, in a given run, express the same V gene and allele.

Abbreviations: IMGT/V-QUEST

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, production service resource, analysis service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:21632778, PMID:18503082

Keywords: immunoglobulin, antibody, nucleotide sequence, t cell receptor

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