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RRID:SCR_009567 RRID Copied      
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E-Prime (RRID:SCR_009567)
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URL: http://www.pstnet.com/eprime.cfm

Proper Citation: E-Prime (RRID:SCR_009567)

Description: A suite of applications to fulfill all of your computerized experiment needs. Used by more than 15,000 professionals in the research community, E-Prime provides a truly easy-to-use environment for computerized experiment design, data collection, and analysis. E-Prime provides millisecond precision timing to ensure the accuracy of your data. E-Prime's flexibility to create simple to complex experiments is ideal for both novice and advanced users. The E-Prime suite of applications includes: * E-Studio ? Drag and drop graphical interface for experiment design * E-Basic ? Underlying scripting language of E-Prime * E-Run ? Once the experiment is generated with a single click, E-Run affords you the millisecond precision of stimulus presentation, synchronizations, and data collection. * E-Merge ? Merges your single session data files for group analysis * E-DataAid ? Data management utility * E-Recovery ? Recovers data files

Abbreviations: E-Prime

Synonyms: E-Prime 2.0

Resource Type: software application, software resource

Keywords: experimental control, microsoft, magnetic resonance, visual basic, win32 (ms windows), windows, windows vista, windows xp

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