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RRID:SCR_008535 RRID Copied      
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GOstat (RRID:SCR_008535)
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URL: http://gostat.wehi.edu.au

Proper Citation: GOstat (RRID:SCR_008535)

Description: GOstat is a tool that allows you to find statistically overrepresented Gene Ontologies within a group of genes. The Gene-Ontology database (GO: http://www.geneontology.org) provides a useful tool to annotate and analyze the function of large numbers of genes. Modern experimental techniques, as e.g. DNA microarrays, often result in long lists of genes. To learn about the biology in this kind of data it is desirable to find functional annotation or Gene-Ontology groups which are highly represented in the data. This program (GOstat) should help in the analysis of such lists and will provide statistics about the GO terms contained in the data and sort the GO annotations giving the most representative GO terms first. Run GOstat: * Go to search form - Computes GO statistics of a list of genes selected from a microarray. * GOstat Display - You can store results from a previously run and view them here, either by uploading them as a file or putting them on a selected URL. * Upload Custom GO Annotations - This allows you to upload your own GO annotation database and use it with GOstat. Variants of GOstat: * Rank GOstat - Takes input from all genes on microarray instead of using a fixed cutoff and uses ranks using a Wilcoxon test or either ranks or pvalues to score GOs using Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics. * Gene Abundance GOstats - Takes input from all genes on microarray and sums up the gene abundances for each GO to compute statistics. * Two list GOstat - Compares GO statistics in two independent lists of genes, not necessarily one of them being the complete list the other list is sampled from. Platform: Online tool

Abbreviations: GOstat

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, production service resource, analysis service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:14962934

Keywords: gene, gene ontology, annotation, statistical analysis, FASEB list

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