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RRID:SCR_006794 RRID Copied      
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canSAR (RRID:SCR_006794)
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URL: https://cansar.icr.ac.uk/

Proper Citation: canSAR (RRID:SCR_006794)

Description: canSAR is an integrated database that brings together biological, chemical, pharmacological (and eventually clinical) data. Its goal is to integrate this data and make it accessible to cancer research scientists from multiple disciplines, in order to help with hypothesis generation in cancer research and support translational research. This cancer research and drug discovery resource was developed to utilize the growing publicly available biological annotation, chemical screening, RNA interference screening, expression, amplification and 3D structural data. Scientists can, in a single place, rapidly identify biological annotation of a target, its structural characterization, expression levels and protein interaction data, as well as suitable cell lines for experiments, potential tool compounds and similarity to known drug targets. canSAR has, from the outset, been completely use-case driven which has dramatically influenced the design of the back-end and the functionality provided through the interfaces. The Web interface provides flexible, multipoint entry into canSAR. This allows easy access to the multidisciplinary data within, including target and compound synopses, bioactivity views and expert tools for chemogenomic, expression and protein interaction network data.

Abbreviations: canSAR

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, production service resource, database, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22013161

Keywords: molecular target, expression, cell line, compound, molecule, protein, structure, ligand, drug, 3d, genomics, 3d complex, bioactivity, protein affinity, cell line sensitivity, pathway, annotation, bio.tools, FASEB list

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Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB)

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Cancer Research UK

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