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RRID:SCR_006710 RRID Copied      
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HPA (RRID:SCR_006710)
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URL: http://www.proteinatlas.org/

Proper Citation: HPA (RRID:SCR_006710)

Description: Public database with millions of high-resolution images showing the spatial distribution of proteins in different normal human tissues and cancer types, as well as different human cell lines. The data is released together with application-specific validation performed for each antibody, including immunohistochemisty, Western blot analysis and, for a large fraction, a protein array assay and immunofluorescent based confocal microscopy. The database has been developed in a gene-centric manner with the inclusion of all human genes predicted from genome efforts. Search functionalities allow for complex queries regarding protein expression profiles, protein classes and chromosome location. Antibodies included have been analyzed using a standardized protocol in a single attempt without further efforts to optimize the procedure and therefore it cannot be excluded that certain observed binding properties are due to technical rather than biological reasons and that further optimization could result in a different outcome. Submission of antibodies: The Swedish Human Proteome Atlas (HPA) program, invites submission of antibodies from both academic and commercial sources to be included in the human protein atlas. All antibodies will be validated by the HPA-program by a standard procedure and antibodies that are accepted will be use in the tissue- profiling program to generate high-resolution immunohistochemistry images representing a wide spectrum of normal tissues and cancer types.

Abbreviations: HPA

Synonyms: HPA antibody, Human Protein Atlas

Resource Type: database, storage service resource, material storage repository, service resource, atlas, biospecimen repository, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:21139605, PMID:16127175, PMID:18669619, PMID:18853439

Keywords: expression profile, protein, immunohistochemistry, subcellular localization, expression level, transcript, immunofluorescence, western blot, protein array, rna, epithelial, gene, antibody, cancer tissue, cell line, confocal imaging protocol, glioma, hematoxylin, human, mesenchymal tumor, microarray, normal, tissue section, tumor, western blot, molecular neuroanatomy resource, proteomics, proteome, differential expression, protein expression, image collection, organ, cell, tissue, kidney, liver, heart, brain, pancreas, protein profile, chromosome, annotation, bio.tools, FASEB list

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