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RRID:SCR_005573 RRID Copied      
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geneXplain (RRID:SCR_005573)
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URL: http://www.genexplain.com/

Proper Citation: geneXplain (RRID:SCR_005573)

Description: An online toolbox and workflow management system for a broad range of bioinformatic and systems biology applications. The individual modules, or Bricks, are unified under a standardized interface, with a consistent look-and-feel and can flexibly be put together to comprehensive workflows. The workflow management is intuitively handled through a simple drag-and-drop system. With this system, you can edit the predefined workflows or compose your own workflows from scratch. Your own Bricks can easily be added as scripts or plug-ins and can be used in combination with pre-existing analyses. GeneXplain GmbH provides a number of state-of-the-art bricks; some of them can be obtained free of charge, while others require licensing for small fee in order to guarantee active maintenance and dynamic adaptation to the rapidly developing know-how in this field.

Abbreviations: GeneXplain

Synonyms: geneXplain GmbH

Resource Type: workflow software, software application, software toolkit, data processing software, software resource

Keywords: scientific workflow, bioinformatics, systems biology, network modeling, microarray, proteomics, mirna, chip-chip, sequence, biomarker, gene expression

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