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RRID:SCR_004786 RRID Copied      
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GeneDB Tbrucei (RRID:SCR_004786)
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URL: http://www.genedb.org/Homepage/Tbruceibrucei927

Proper Citation: GeneDB Tbrucei (RRID:SCR_004786)

Description: Database of the most recent sequence updates and annotations for the T. brucei genome. New annotations are constantly being added to keep up with published manuscripts and feedback from the Trypanosomatid research community. You may search by Protein Length, Molecular Mass, Gene Type, Date, Location, Protein Targeting, Transmembrane Helices, Product, GO, EC, Pfam ID, Curation and Comments, and Dbxrefs. BLAST and other tools are available. T. brucei possesses a two-unit genome, a nuclear genome and a mitochondrial (kinetoplast) genome with a total estimated size of 35Mb/haploid genome. The nuclear genome is split into three classes of chromosomes according to their size on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, 11 pairs of megabase chromosomes (0.9-5.7 Mb), intermediate (300-900 kb) and minichromosomes (50-100 kb). The T. brucei genome contains a ~0.5Mb segmental duplication affecting chromosomes 4 and 8, which is responsible for some 75 gene duplicates unique to this species. A comparative chromosome map of the duplicons can be accessed here (PubmedID 18036214). Protozoan parasites within the species Trypanosoma brucei are the etiological agent of human sleeping sickness and Nagana in animals. Infections are limited to patches of sub-Saharan Africa where insects vectors of the Glossina genus are endemic. The most recent estimates indicate between 50,000 - 70,000 human cases currently exist, with 17 000 new cases each year (WHO Factsheet, 2006). In collaboration with GeneDB, the EuPathDB genomic sequence data and annotations are regularly deposited on TriTrypDB where they can be integrated with other datasets and queried using customized queries.

Abbreviations: GeneDB_Tbrucei, GeneDB Tbrucei, GeneDB T. brucei

Synonyms: Trypanosoma brucei TREU927 homepage on GeneDB, Trypanosoma brucei TREU927 on GeneDB

Resource Type: analysis service resource, service resource, data analysis service, database, data or information resource, production service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:16020726

Keywords: blast, sequence, annotation, genome

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