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RRID:SCR_003098 RRID Copied      
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WormBase (RRID:SCR_003098)
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URL: http://www.wormbase.org

Proper Citation: WormBase (RRID:SCR_003098)

Description: Central data repository for nematode biology including complete genomic sequence, gene predictions and orthology assignments from range of related nematodes.Data concerning genetics, genomics and biology of C. elegans and related nematodes. Derived from initial ACeDB database of C. elegans genetic and sequence information, WormBase includes genomic, anatomical and functional information of C. elegans, other Caenorhabditis species and other nematodes. Maintains public FTP site where researchers can find many commonly requested files and datasets, WormBase software and prepackaged databases.

Abbreviations: WB, WB REF, WP

Synonyms: , WB, Worm Base, WB REF, WP

Resource Type: database, storage service resource, catalog, data or information resource, service resource, data repository

Defining Citation: PMID:24194605, PMID:19910365, PMID:17991679, PMID:15608221

Keywords: RIN, Resource Information Network, catalog, database, blast, genomic sequence, gene prediction, orthology assignment, gene function, ortholog, roundworm, geneotype, phenotype, gene mapping, genomics, gene expression, transposon family, c elegans, wormmart, FASEB list

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