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RRID:SCR_002234 RRID Copied      
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Computational Morphometry Toolkit (RRID:SCR_002234)
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URL: http://neuro.debian.net/pkgs/cmtk.html

Proper Citation: Computational Morphometry Toolkit (RRID:SCR_002234)

Description: A software toolkit for computational morphometry of biomedical images, CMTK comprises a set of command line tools and a back-end general-purpose library for processing and I/O. The command line tools primarily provide the following functionality: registration (affine and nonrigid; single and multi-channel; pairwise and groupwise), image correction (MR bias field estimation; interleaved image artifact correction; EPI unwarping), processing (filters; combination of segmentations via voting and STAPLE; shape-based averaging), statistics (t-tests; general linear model). CMTK is implemented in C++ with parallel processing using POSIX Threads (SMP), OpenMP (SMP), Grand Central Dispatch (SMP), and CUDA (GPU). Supported file formats include Analyze (r/w), NIFTI (r/w), Nrrd (r/w), DICOM (read), BioRad (read). Data exchange with other toolkits, such as ITK, FSL, AFNI, SPM, etc. is thus easily accomplished.

Abbreviations: CMTK

Synonyms: Computational Morphometry Toolkit (CMTK)

Resource Type: software resource, software application, software toolkit

Keywords: reusable library, analyze, anatomic, artifact removal, atlas application, c, c++, console (text based), cygwin, dicom, domain independent, format conversion, image display, image reconstruction, image-to-image, labeling, linear, linux, macos, microsoft, magnetic resonance, nifti-1, nrrd, posix/unix-like, principal component analysis, region of interest, registration, regression, resampling, segmentation, sh/bash, spatial transformation, statistical operation, sunos/solaris, two dimensional display, unix shell, visualization, warping, win32 (ms windows), windows, workflow

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