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PhosphoSitePlus: Protein Modification Site (RRID:SCR_001837)
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URL: http://www.phosphosite.org

Proper Citation: PhosphoSitePlus: Protein Modification Site (RRID:SCR_001837)

Description: A freely accessible on-line systems biology resource devoted to all aspects of protein modification, as well as other post-translational modifications. It provides valuable and unique tools for both cell biologists and mass spectroscopists. PhosphoSite is a human- and mouse-centric database. It includes features such as: viewing the locations of modified residues on molecular models; browsing and searching MS2 records by disease, tissue, and cell line; submitting lists of peptides to identify previously reported genes; searching by sub-cellular localization, treatment, tissues, cell types, cell lines and diseases, and protein types and protein domains; searching for experimentally-verified kinase substrates and viewing preferred substrate motifs; and viewing MS2 spectra for peptides and sites not previously published.

Abbreviations: PSP

Synonyms: PhosphoSitePlus, PhosphoSite

Resource Type: knowledge environment resource, portal, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22135298

Keywords: portal, mass spectroscopist, molecular model, mouse, post translational, subcellular localization, protein modification, post-translational modification, protein phosphorylation, protein structure, protein function, ubiquitinylation, acetylation, cellular component, cell type, visualization, data repository, bio.tools, FASEB list

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