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RRID:SCR_001575 RRID Copied      
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Enrichr (RRID:SCR_001575)
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URL: http://amp.pharm.mssm.edu/Enrichr/

Proper Citation: Enrichr (RRID:SCR_001575)

Description: A web-based gene list enrichment analysis tool that provides various types of visualization summaries of collective functions of gene lists. It includes new gene-set libraries, an alternative approach to rank enriched terms, and various interactive visualization approaches to display enrichment results using the JavaScript library, Data Driven Documents (D3). The software can also be embedded into any tool that performs gene list analysis. System-wide profiling of genes and proteins in mammalian cells produce lists of differentially expressed genes / proteins that need to be further analyzed for their collective functions in order to extract new knowledge. Once unbiased lists of genes or proteins are generated from such experiments, these lists are used as input for computing enrichment with existing lists created from prior knowledge organized into gene-set libraries.

Abbreviations: Enrichr

Resource Type: analysis service resource, software resource, production service resource, service resource, software application, data analysis service

Defining Citation: PMID:23586463

Keywords: bed, gene, software as a service, rna-seq, analyze, protein, function, gene list, visualization, bio.tools

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Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; New York; USA

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