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Nikon TE300 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope (RRID:SCR_020329)
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URL: https://www.labx.com/product/nikon-te300

Proper Citation: Nikon TE300 Inverted Fluorescence Microscope (RRID:SCR_020329)

Description: Advent of the infinity-corrected CFI60 optical system spurred Nikon design engineers to upgrade their research-caliber inverted microscope from the Diaphot 300 to the Eclipse TE300 in 1997. The vastly improved instrument provides longer working distances that accommodate a wide variety of culture vessels and thick specimens, while maintaining high numerical apertures to ensure suitable levels of brightness, imaging contrast, resolution, and sharpness. The paired oculars of the instrument provide a standard 22-millimeter field of view, but like other microscopes in the Eclipse line, the Nikon TE300 is highly modular and provides several options for binocular and trinocular tubes, condensers, stages, and illumination systems. The standard condenser system fabricated for the Nikon TE300 microscope consists of a series of condenser top lenses and a five-position turret assembly with components for phase, differential interference, and Hoffman modulation contrast techniques. Also, Nikon designers patented a video enhancement contrast system for the microscope that features special polarizers and analyzers that enable the visualization of low contrast minutiae that would ordinarily go unnoticed by traditional video imaging methods.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Nikon, Inverted Fluorescence Microscope, Instrument Equipment, USEDit

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