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Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 Multimode Plate Reader (RRID:SCR_020300)
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URL: https://us.vwr.com/store/product/8099539/spectramax-m5-m5e-multimode-plate-reader-molecular-devices#stiboGrid

Proper Citation: Molecular Devices SpectraMax M5 Multimode Plate Reader (RRID:SCR_020300)

Description: Microplate Reader delivers single mode reader performance and can be equipped to read volumes as low as 2uL in one multimode reader package. The dual monochromator optics allow the widest range of applications to be utilized for bioresearch and drug discovery applications, all without the need to change filters. For fluorescence intensity, time resolved fluorescence, and fluorescence polarization assays, the SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader optical design provides the highest level of flexibility. Users can select from top or bottom read modes for improved sensitivity for solution and cell-based assays. Assays can be better optimized by scanning across a range of wavelengths in increments as small as 1 nm. Up to 4 wavelength pairs can be read in one protocol for endpoint and kinetic measurements, allowing for fast setup of FRET and TR-FRET assays. For luminescence, the SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader utilizes a dedicated luminescence photomultiplier tube (PMT), providing the user the maximum signal and lowest background possible for glow luminescence reporter gene assays. The SpectraMax M5 utilizes a single monochromator design for UV/VIS Absorbance, allowing the user to maximize sensitivity and tunability, and also uses patented PathCheck Pathlength Measurement Technology: the only temperature independent pathlength correction for microplates. The M5 can read volumes down to 2uL with the uMax Low Volume Plate.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Molecular Devices, Multimode Plate Reader, Instrument Equipment, USEDit

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