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RRID:SCR_020254 RRID Copied      
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Maxwell 16 DNA purification system (RRID:SCR_020254)
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URL: https://us.vwr.com/store/product/7597461/maxwell-16-instrument-for-nucleic-acid-and-protein-purification-promega

Proper Citation: Maxwell 16 DNA purification system (RRID:SCR_020254)

Description: Nucleic Acid and Protein Purification instrument that provides consistent, automated purification of high-quality DNA, RNA, viral total nucleic acid, or recombinant proteins using paramagnetic particles. There are no Clogs or Drips, Optimal Capture, Washing, and Elution of Target Material, Purifier Can Configure as an SEV or LEV Instrument, Preprogrammed Purification Protocols, For Purification of High-Quality DNA, RNA, and More. It works as a particle processor, not a liquid handler, so there are no clogs or drips, allowing optimal capture, washing, and elution of target material. Purification protocols are preprogrammed into the instrument and can be combined with purification kits containing prefilled reagent cartridges to maximize simplicity and convenience. The purifier can be configured as an SEV Instrument (Standard Elution Volume, 200 400 �L) for maximum yield or an LEV Instrument (Low Elution Volume, 30 100 �L) for maximum concentration. Accessories information: Kits are sold separately and contain enough materials to run 48 preps each.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Maxwell, DNA purification system, Instrument Equipment, USEDit

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