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Leica TCS SP2 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (RRID:SCR_020231)
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URL: https://digital.bsd.uchicago.edu/equipment_files/Leica%20SP2%20manual.pdf

Proper Citation: Leica TCS SP2 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (RRID:SCR_020231)

Description: Leica TCS SP2 is a spectral confocal laser scanning microscope with 405 UV laser 3CHDIC digital emission 400-800nm range designed to acquire high spatial resolution images of fluorescently labeled materials and for analysis of these images. The confocal principle utilizes a pinhole (confocal aperture) to eliminate out-of-focus light from fluorescently labeled specimens (i.e., provide “optical sectioning�). Lasers provide intense, point illumination that is scanned over the preparation and the fluorescence at each point is quantified and used to construct a representation of the object brightness (an image). This method provides high resolution for the x and y planes as well as vertically (z plane). The SP2 is an advanced confocal system with nine laser excitation lines spanning the spectrum from UV to near IR. The following laser lines are available: 405nm, 458, 476, 488, 496, 514, 543, 594, and 633, all fiber coupled and controlled by AOTFs.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Leica, Confocal Microscope, Instrument Equipment, USEDit

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