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RRID:SCR_019837 RRID Copied      
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Dewer V1500-AB Isothermal Freezer (RRID:SCR_019837)
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URL: https://www.custombiogenics.com/V-1500AB-Isothermal-LN2-Freezer-p/55156v.htm

Proper Citation: Dewer V1500-AB Isothermal Freezer (RRID:SCR_019837)

Description: Custom BioGenic Systems V1500-AB Isothermal Liquid Nitrogen Freezers offer liquid nitrogen storage temperatures without liquid nitrogen contact. Liquid nitrogen is stored in our patented jacketed space in the wall of the freezer. This technology offers safe dry storage for your samples. With no liquid nitrogen in the storage area the risk of cross contamination and the safety risks associated with the handling of liquid nitrogen are greatly reduced. This also means that the entire storage space can be used for inventory. Our wide lid opening provides easy, unrestricted access to samples and won't affect the temperature inside the freezer. All Isothermal freezers use our time tested and 2301 controller with a dual temperature display, autofill and many additional features. Custom BioGenic Isothermal Liquid Nitrogen Freezers have an industry best temperature gradient that averages -193C inside the storage area.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Dewer, Isothermal Freezer, Instrument Equipment, USEDit

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