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Art Robbins Crystal Gryphon Liquid Crystal Polymer Setup System (RRID:SCR_019579)
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URL: https://www.artrobbins.com/gryphon

Proper Citation: Art Robbins Crystal Gryphon Liquid Crystal Polymer Setup System (RRID:SCR_019579)

Description: Gryphon LCP is a setup system for Lipidic Cubic Phase sandwich plates and bicelle assays as well as traditional protein crystallography plates. A dedicated syringe based LCP head dispenses the protein, and a 96 head dispenses the buffer solutions. A 96 well sandwich plate can be sealed in less than 2 minutes. An optional non-contact dispenser can be added at any time to set up vapor diffusion sitting drop and hanging drop plates. The Crystal Gryphon is a small, fast and option for setting up all of your crystal plates. The Crystal Gryphon fits into tight lab spaces and tight lab budgets. The 96-channel positive displacement head quickly fills screen reservoirs and protein wells. The head has no disposable tips, so the cost of operation and environmental waste is minimized. The 1-channel non-contact dispenser quickly aspirates and dispenses your proteins allowing your plate to be sealed without evaporation being a problem. This dispense head is designed specifically to handle proteins, features flow-through washing and positive displacement aspiration, to handle all of your proteins.

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: Art Robbins, Liquid Crystal Polymer Setup System, Instrument Equipment, USEDit

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