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RRID:WB-STRAIN:WBStrain00007309 RRID Copied  
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Proper Citation: RRID:WB-STRAIN:WBStrain00007309

Description: Caenorhabditis elegans with name dhc-1(or195) I. from WB.

Species: Caenorhabditis elegans

Synonyms: dhc-1(or195) I.

Notes: Homozygous or195 hermaphrodites make 100% dead embryos at 26C. One-cell embryo has a very small but bipolar spindle, severe chromosome segregation defect. Maintain at 15C. Previously called spd-4. 2/06: From Bruce Bowerman: The or195 mutation changes base 10,679 of the cosmid clone T21E12 from a C to a T. This corresponds to dhc-1 cDNA nucleotide 9599 (WS153) , which is the center nucleotide of codon 3200. This codon changes from Serine in N2 to Leucine in or195 (S3200L). Note: this is not the same mutation for or195ts that we reported in Hamill et al, 2002(Dev Cell 3, 673-684). The mutation reported in our paper is not present in this strain. We apologize for the confusion. The pairs dhc-11a,b amplify the mutated fragment in dhc-1(or195). The mutation is near the center of this fragment; a clean (gel purified) DNA prep helps get a good read of it. dhc-11b: 5' aacagacgcacgattgacct 3'. dhc-11a: 5' ctcaaatcaaggaaggagct 3'. PCR conditions: 5 min at 94 degrees C; 30 sec at 94 degrees C; 30 sec at 55 degrees C; 1 min at 72 degrees C. 35 Cycles using Taq polymerase.

Affected Gene: WBGene00000962(dhc-1)

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Source: Integrated Animals

Source Database: WormBase (WB)