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RRID:SCR_015696 RRID Copied      
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BioToolBox (RRID:SCR_015696)
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URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Bio-ToolBox/lib/Bio/ToolBox.pm

Proper Citation: BioToolBox (RRID:SCR_015696)

Description: Tools for querying and analysis of genomic data. These libraries provide a useful interface for working with bioinformatic data. Many bioinformatic data analysis revolves around working with tables of information, including lists of genomic annotation (genes, promoters, etc.) or defined regions of interest (epigenetic enrichment, transcription factor binding sites, etc.). This library works with these tables and provides a set of common tools for working with them. Opening and saving common tab-delimited text formats Support for BED, GFF, VCF, narrowPeak files Scoring intervals with datasets from microarray and sequencing ChIPSeq, RNASeq, microarray expression Support for Bam, BigWig, BigBed, wig, and USeq data formats Intersection with other known annotation Works with any genomic annotation in GTF, GFF3, and UCSC formats The libraries provide a unified and integrated approach to analyses. In many cases, they provide an abstraction layer over a variety of different specialized BioPerl and related modules. Instead of writing numerous scripts specialized for each data format (wig, bigWig, Bam), one script can now work with any data format.

Resource Type: software library, software resource, software toolkit

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