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TESS: Transcription Element Search System (RRID:SCR_010739)
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URL: http://www.cbil.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/tess/tess

Proper Citation: TESS: Transcription Element Search System (RRID:SCR_010739)

Description: TESS is a web tool for predicting transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences. It can identify binding sites using site or consensus strings and positional weight matrices from the TRANSFAC, JASPAR, IMD, and our CBIL-GibbsMat database. You can use TESS to search a few of your own sequences or for user-defined CRMs genome-wide near genes throughout genomes of interest. Search for CRMs Genome-wide: TESS now has the ability to search whole genomes for user defined CRMs. Try a search in the AnGEL CRM Searches section of the navigation bar.. You can search for combinations of consensus site sequences and/or PWMs from TRANSFAC or JASPAR. Search DNA for Binding Sites: TESS also lets you search through your own sequence for TFBS. You can include your own site or consensus strings and/or weight matrices in the search. Use the Combined Search under ''Site Searches'' in the menu or use the box for a quick search. TESS assigns a TESS job number to all sequence search jobs. The job results are stored on our server for a period of time specified in the search submit form. During this time you may recall the search results using the form on this page. TESS can also email results to you as a tab-delimited file suitable for loading into a spreadsheet program. Query for Transcription Factor Info: TESS also has data browsing and querying capabilities to help you learn about the factors that were predicted to bind to your sequence. Use the Query TRANSFAC or Query Matrices links above or use the search interface provided from the home page.

Abbreviations: TESS

Synonyms: Transcription Element Search System

Resource Type: service resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, production service resource, database, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:18428685

Keywords: transcription factor, dna sequence, genome, promoter, gene regulation, FASEB list

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