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RRID:SCR_007959 RRID Copied      
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 T1DBase  (RRID:SCR_007959)
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URL: http://t1dbase.org/

Proper Citation: T1DBase (RRID:SCR_007959)

Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE. Documented on August 26,2019. In October 2016, T1DBase has merged with its sister site ImmunoBase (https://immunobase.org). Documented on March 2020, ImmunoBase ownership has been transferred to Open Targets (https://www.opentargets.org). Results for all studies can be explored using Open Targets Genetics (https://genetics.opentargets.org). Database focused on genetics and genomics of type 1 diabetes susceptibility providing a curated and integrated set of datasets and tools, across multiple species, to support and promote research in this area. The current data scope includes annotated genomic sequences for suspected T1D susceptibility regions; genetic data; microarray data; and global datasets, generally from the literature, that are useful for genetics and systems biology studies. The site also includes software tools for analyzing the data.

Synonyms: T1DBase - Type 1 Diabetes Database

Resource Type: database, storage service resource, data or information resource, service resource, resource, data repository

Defining Citation: PMID:20937630

Keywords: genetics, beta cell, gene, variant, region, genomics, gene expression, genome-wide association study, data analysis service, bio.tools

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