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RRID:SCR_007607 RRID Copied      
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COMe - Co-Ordination of Metals etc. (RRID:SCR_007607)
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URL: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/come/

Proper Citation: COMe - Co-Ordination of Metals etc. (RRID:SCR_007607)

Description: COMe is an attempt to classify metalloproteins and some other complex proteins using the concept of bioinorganic motif. COMe consists of three types of entities: Molecule (MOL), Bioinorganic Motif (BIM), and Bioinorganic Proteins (PRX). Both Molecule (MOL) and Bioinorganic Motif (BIM) entities consist of substructure elements. Substructure literally means that these elements can form parts of a bigger structure, i.e. complete protein. MOL is an entity representing small molecule (as opposed to macromolecule) which, in complex with polypeptide, forms a functional protein. Users can query by COMe ID or using a case sensitive or insensitive text search, use predefined queries, or look at the paths via the online ontology provided by COMe.

Synonyms: COMe

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Keywords: bioinorganic motif, complex proein, metalloprotein, protein classification

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