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RRID:SCR_007181 RRID Copied      
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BioInfoBank Meta Server (RRID:SCR_007181)
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URL: http://bioinfo.pl/

Proper Citation: BioInfoBank Meta Server (RRID:SCR_007181)

Description: This service offers a gateway to well-benchmarked protein structure and function prediction methods. Structural models collected from the prediction servers are assessed using the powerful 3D-jury consensus approach. The Structure Prediction Meta Server provides access to various fold recognition, function prediction and local structure prediction methods. The Server takes the amino acid sequence of the query protein, the reference name for the prediction job, and the E-mail address as input. The E-mail address is used only for notification about errors during the execution of the job. The query sequence and the reference name are placed in the process queue. The Meta Server accepts only sequences, which have not been submitted before. In case of duplicate sequences the second user will be notified with a link to the previous submission. Sequences longer than 800 amino acids are not accepted by some services. The internal SQL database offers the possibility to find any previous jobs processed by the Meta Server using regular expressions addressing field like E-mail, Job Name and the host name, from which the job was initiated. Each server has its own process queuing system managed by the Meta Server. All results of fold recognition servers are translated into uniform formats. The information extracted from the raw output of the servers includes the PDB codes of the hits, the alignments and the similarity (reliability) scores specific for every server. Mapping of the hits to the SCOP and FSSP classifications are made either using known PDB representatives or alignment of the template sequence with the databases of proteins in both classifications. The secondary structure assignments for all hits are taken from the mapped FSSP (red for helices and blue for strands). Underscored amino acids indicate the first residue after an insertion in the template sequence. The Meta server provides translation of the alignments in standard formats like FASTA, PDB or CASP. The Meta Server is coupled to consensus servers. They provide jury predictions based on the results collected from other services. Not all fold recognition servers are used by the jury system. The data stored on the meta server is available through http://meta.bioinfo.pl/data/JOBID/. Jobs older than 2 months are not shown. The Meta Server is only a set of programs aimed to process and manage biological data, while the predictive power of the service comes from (mostly) remote prediction providers. Sponsors: This resource is supported by The BioInfoBank Institute.

Abbreviations: BioInfoBank

Synonyms: The BioInfoBank Meta Server, BioInfoBank Meta Server

Resource Type: portal, topical portal, data or information resource

Keywords: server, meta, biology, function, protein, structure, method, model, prediction, 3-dimentional, amino acid, sequence

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