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WormBook The Online Review of C. Elegans Biology (RRID:SCR_006692)
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URL: http://www.wormbook.org/

Proper Citation: WormBook The Online Review of C. Elegans Biology (RRID:SCR_006692)

Description: WormBook is a comprehensive, open-access collection of original, peer-reviewed chapters covering topics related to the biology of Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematodes. Wormbook also contains WormMethods, a collection of protocols for nematode researchers, and the Worm Breeder''s Gazette, an informal, non-refereed, biannual newsletter for the interchange of ideas and information related to C. elegans and other nematodes. WormBook is the online text companion to WormBase, the C. elegans model organism database. WormBook contains original reviews on all aspects of C. elegans biology and up-to-date descriptions of technical procedures used to study this animal. WormBook Sections: *Genetics and genomics *Molecular biology *Biochemistry *Cell biology *Developmental control *Post-embryonic development *Sex determination *The germ line *Signal transduction *Neurobiology and behavior *Evolution and ecology *Disease models and drug discovery

Abbreviations: WormBook

Synonyms: WormBook: The Online Review of C. Elegans Biology

Resource Type: book, experimental protocol, narrative resource, data or information resource

Keywords: neurotransmitter, behavior, deg/enac channel, neuronal outgrowth, neurogenetics, circuitry, neuronal differentiation, cell death, gap junctions, g protein, chemosensation, mechanosensation, synaptogenesis, news, nematode, genomics, proteomics, FASEB list

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Columbia University; New York; USA

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