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RRID:SCR_006358 RRID Copied      
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MouseBook (RRID:SCR_006358)
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URL: http://www.mousebook.org/

Proper Citation: MouseBook (RRID:SCR_006358)

Description: Databases and portal to data and ordering mouse strains from MRC Harwell including mouse stocks in FESA (Frozen Embryo and Sperm Archive), mutants from the mutagenesis screen, the ENU DNA archive, standardized phenotyping procedures, imprinting genes and chromosome anomalies. The portal integrates curated information from the MRC Harwell stock resource, and other Harwell databases, with information from external data resources to provide added value information above and beyond what is available through other routes such as IMSR (International Mouse Stain Resource). MouseBook can be searched either using an intuitive Google-style free text search or using the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology (MP) tree structure. Text searches can be on gene, allele, strain identifier (e.g. MGI ID) or phenotype term and are assisted by automatic recognition of term types and autocompletion of gene and allele names covered by the database. Results are returned in a tabbed format providing categorized results identified from each of the catalogs in MouseBook. Individual results lines from each catalog include information on gene, allele, chromosomal location and phenotype and provide a simple click-through link to further information as well as ordering the strain. The infrastructure underlying MouseBook has been designed to be extensible, allowing additional data sources to be added enabling other sites to make their data directly available through MouseBook.

Abbreviations: MouseBook

Synonyms: Mouse Book

Resource Type: organism supplier, material resource, biomaterial supply resource

Defining Citation: PMID:19854936

Keywords: mutant mouse strain, gene, allele, phenotype, embryonic mouse, embryo, sperm, live, chromosomal location, mutant mouse line, imprint, standard operating procedure, bio.tools

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