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RRID:SCR_006165 RRID Copied      
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phenomeNET (RRID:SCR_006165)
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URL: http://phenomebrowser.net/

Proper Citation: phenomeNET (RRID:SCR_006165)

Description: PhenomeNet is a cross-species phenotype similarity network. It contains the experimentally observed phenotypes of multiple species as well as the phenotypes of human diseases. PhenomeNet provides a measure of phenotypic similarity between the phenotypes it contains. The latest release (from 22 June 2012) contains 124,730 complex phenotype nodes taken from the yeast, fish, worm, fly, rat, slime mold and mouse model organism databases as well as human disease phenotypes from OMIM and OrphaNet. The network is a complete graph in which edge weights represent the degree of phenotypic similarity. Phenotypic similarity can be used to identify and prioritize candidate disease genes, find genes participating in the same pathway and orthologous genes between species. To compute phenotypic similarity between two sets of phenotypes, we use a weighted Jaccard index. First, phenotype ontologies are used to infer all the implications of a phenotype observation using several phenotype ontologies. As a second step, the information content of each phenotype is computed and used as a weight in the Jaccard index. Phenotypic similarity is useful in several ways. Phenotypic similarity between a phenotype resulting from a genetic mutation and a disease can be used to suggest candidate genes for a disease. Phenotypic similarity can also identify genes in a same pathway or orthologous genes. PhenomeNet uses the axioms in multiple species-dependent phenotype ontologies to infer equivalent and related phenotypes across species. For this purpose, phenotype ontologies and phenotype annotations are integrated in a single ontology, and automated reasoning is used to infer equivalences. Specifically, for every phenotype, PhenomeNet infers the related mammalian phenotype and uses the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology for computing phenotypic similarity. Tools: * PhenomeBLAST - A tool for cross-species alignments of phenotypes * PhenomeDrug - method for drug-repurposing

Abbreviations: PhenomeNet

Synonyms: PhenomeNet - Cross Species Phenotype Network

Resource Type: software resource, database, source code, data or information resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, service resource, production service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:21737429

Keywords: phenotype, disease, gene, genotype, allele, model organism, human disease, candidate disease gene, pathway, orthologous gene, ortholog, ontology, semantic similarity, mutant phenotype, disease pathway, alignment, pharmacogenomics, drug

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University of Cambridge; Cambridge; United Kingdom

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