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RRID:SCR_006054 RRID Copied      
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InterEvol database (RRID:SCR_006054)
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URL: http://biodev.cea.fr/interevol/

Proper Citation: InterEvol database (RRID:SCR_006054)

Description: InterEvol database is designed for the analysis of co-evolution events at the interface of known structures of hetero- and homo-oligomers. The database can be search and analyzed through 3 interconnected levels of analysis: * From a Keyword or the PDB entry of a complex, you can browse: ** structural homologs for every chain in other complexes ** structural interologs for every interface ** retrieve pre-computed sequence alignments in diverse species * From 1 or 2 sequences of interacting partners: ** build 2 multiple sequence alignments with the same species ordered in each ** query the InterEvol database with alignments using profile-profile comparison method * Visualize structure vs sequence alignment at the complex interface ** A dedicated Pymol plugin is provided ** Alignment views in Pymol are interactively restricted to the residues selected at the interface

Abbreviations: InterEvol

Resource Type: data analysis service, database, production service resource, analysis service resource, service resource, data or information resource, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22053089

Keywords: structure, evolution, protein complex, interface, protein complex, sequence alignment, plug in, protein structure, visualization, pymol plugin, structural homolog, structural interolog, bio.tools

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