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RRID:SCR_005758 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://www.topsan.org/

Proper Citation: TOPSAN (RRID:SCR_005758)

Description: Collect, share, and distribute information about protein three-dimensional structures. It serves as a portal for the scientific community to learn about protein structures solved by SG centers, and also to contribute their expertise in annotating protein function. The premise of the TOPSAN project is that, no matter how much any individual knows about a particular protein, there are other members of the scientific community who know more about certain aspects of the same protein, and that the collective analyses from experts will be far more informative than any local group, let alone individual, could contribute. They believe that, if the members of the biological community are given the opportunity, authorship incentives, and an easy way to contribute their knowledge to the structure annotation, they would do so. Therefore, borrowing elements from successful, distributed, collaborative projects, such as Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia anyone can edit) and from other open source software development projects, TOPSAN will be a broad, collaborative effort to annotate protein structures, initially, those determined at the JCSG. They believe that the annotation of proteins solved by structural genomics consortia offers a unique opportunity to challenge the extant paradigm of how biological data is collected and distributed, and to connect structural genomics and structural biology to the entire biological research community. TOPSAN is designed to be scalable, modular and extensible. Furthermore, it is intended to be immediately useful in a simplistic way and will accommodate incremental improvements to functionality as usage becomes more sophisticated. Their annotation pages will offer the end user a combination of automatically generated as well as expert-curated annotations of protein structures. They will use available technology to increase the speed and granularity of the exchange of scientific ideas, and use incentive mechanisms that will encourage collaborative participation.

Abbreviations: TOPSAN

Synonyms: he Open Protein Structure Annotation Network, TOPSAN Project, TOPSAN - The Open Protein Structure Annotation Network

Resource Type: database, storage service resource, data or information resource, image collection, service resource, data repository

Defining Citation: PMID:20961957, PMID:20716366, PMID:20944203, PMID:20961957

Keywords: protein, structure, 3d, protein structure, protein function, annotate, crowd sourcing, image, annotation, genomics, collaboration

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