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Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (RRID:SCR_005106)
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URL: http://www.damonrunyon.org/

Proper Citation: Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (RRID:SCR_005106)

Description: The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation funds early career cancer researchers who have the energy, drive and creativity to become leading innovators in their fields. We identify the best young scientists in the nation and support them through four award programs: our Fellowship, Pediatric Cancer Fellowship, Clinical Investigator and Innovation Awards. Damon Runyon awards give young scientists: * Freedom to follow their own ideas, explore new paths and take risks * A prestigious endorsement that attracts further funding, advances their careers and accelerates their research * Guaranteed financial support, sparing them hours applying for grants Since 1946, Damon Runyon has invested more than $240 million in the best young minds in the nation. Our alumni include 11 Nobel Laureates and leaders of major cancer centers across the United States. Many of our 3,300 scientists have gone on to make breakthroughs in the way we prevent, diagnose and treat many forms of cancer. The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation is a registered nonprofit with 501(c)(3) status.

Abbreviations: Damon Runyon Foundation

Resource Type: institution

Keywords: fellowship, grant, cancer

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