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RRID:SCR_004547 RRID Copied      
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OpenAnesthesia.org (RRID:SCR_004547)
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URL: http://www.openanesthesia.org/

Proper Citation: OpenAnesthesia.org (RRID:SCR_004547)

Description: OpenAnesthesia.org is a wiki promoting evidence-based medicine in anesthesiology, critical care and pain management. It is divided into several, major Units (Anesthesia Text, Critical Care Manual, Practice-Changing Articles, Controversies in Anesthesia, ABA keywords, Audio/Video Archives, CME, GME, Pharmacology...), each of which is subdivided into Chapters (or in some cases, even smaller subdivisions, such as sections, individual key words, topics, points of interest, or bibliographic references). The goal of Anasthesia Text is to collect and distribute evidence-based information regarding all aspects of anesthesia. This section is similar to a traditional textbook in the broad range of topics covered, but different in that it will provide this information in the form of a wiki (i.e. anyone can edit, add, or subtract to it). OpenAneshesia.org provides anesthesia residents with GME credit and Program Directors with a tool to document core competency activities for Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-mandated learning portfolios. Residents are invited invited to read the Anesthesia & Analgesia article of the month and listen to an interview with one of the article''s authors. During the interview, the author will discuss the specifics of the article as well as general topics geared towards improving each resident''s appreciation of basic or clinical research. After listening to the podcast and reading the article, residents can answer 5 questions in order to demonstrate their mastery of the topics discussed (similar to the Anesthesia & Analgesia Continuing Medical Education (CME) section). Like the CME section, after demonstrating proficiency, a resident will receive a printable certificate that will specify which ACGME core competencies were addressed in the article and interview. The certificates can be put in each resident''s ACGME-required learning portfolio.

Synonyms: OpenAnesthesia Wiki, OA.org, OpenAnesthesia

Resource Type: wiki, continuing medical education, data or information resource, podcast, audio track, radio, training resource, narrative resource

Keywords: graduate medical education

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