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RRID:SCR_004263 RRID Copied      
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RefGenome (RRID:SCR_004263)
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URL: http://www.geneontology.org/GO.refgenome.shtml

Proper Citation: RefGenome (RRID:SCR_004263)

Description: The GO Consortium coordinates an effort to maximize and optimize the GO annotation of a large and representative set of key genomes, known as ''reference genomes''. The goal of the Reference Genome Annotation project is to completely annotate twelve reference genomes so that those annotations may be used to effectively seed the automatic annotation efforts of other genomes. With more and more genomes being sequenced, we are in the middle of an explosion of genomic information. The limited resources to manually annotate the growing number of sequenced genomes imply that automatic annotation will be the method of choice for many groups. The Reference Genome project has two primary goals: to increase the depth and breadth of annotations for genes in each of the organisms in the project, and to create data sets and tools that enable other genome annotation efforts to infer GO annotations for homologous genes in their organisms. In addition, the project has several important incidental benefits, such as increasing annotation consistency across genome databases, and providing important improvements to the GO''s logical structure and biological content. All GO annotations from this project are included in the gene association files that each group submits to GO. Annotations can also be viewed using the GO search engine and browser AmiGO. Annotated families can be viewed with the homolog set browser.

Abbreviations: RefGenome

Synonyms: Reference Genome Annotation Project, Reference Genome Project

Resource Type: data set, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:19578431

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